Executive Board
Interested in Serving on the Executive Board?
Write to us at aefcca2020@gmail.com
John Wilson
Vice President
Wells Harrell
Toby Davis
Julie Bruns
Arlington Neighborhoods Program Representative
John Wilson
Civic Federation Delegates
William Walls, Wells Harrell, Lynda Maguire, John Wilson, Julie Bruns (alternate)
Directors At-Large
Pete Schirmer
Bill Walls
Chris Hulett
Dori Mitchell
Pam Nardolilli
John Bell
Lynda Maguire
AEFCCA Constitution and Bylaws
Member of the Arlington County Civic Federation (civfed.org)
Annual Dues - $5 Per Person
Make your check payable to AEFCCA
and bring to a General Membership Meeting
or contact Julie Bruns for the mailing address.