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Arlington County government produces newsletters covering dozens of topics of interest that can be sent directly to your inbox.  Follow this link to see all the things you can stay on top of with just a few clicks.  Just enter your email for a complete list of available newsletters.


The County Manager's Office of Communications and Public Engagement is also there to help citizens understand, navigate and participate in local government.   See more of what they do on their webpage: 

Public Engagement

Contribute Your Ideas on Deer Population Management

Arlington County seeking citizen comment by July 19 on strategies to control growing deer populations.  To learn more about the issue and contribute feedback follow the link below.

Deer Population Management in Arlington

Pedestrian Safety Issues

Hazardous intersections and pedestrian crossings, routine speeding on residential streets?  Do you know of a specific location unsafe for pedestrians that you would like to see addressed by Arlington County?  The Civic Association is preparing a list of such places in AEFCCA for County officials so please let us know at Provide a detailed description of the location and problem and we will include it on our list.   Send it to

Zoning Change Proposal

Arlington County is considering a proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment that would affect multifamily and townhouse properties in Arlington – East Falls Church Civic Association.  The proposed amendment would apply to nonconforming townhouses and multifamily properties in RA districts and the R2-7 district. The amendment would enable interior structural alterations and limited exterior additions to these properties.  Opportunities to learn more about the proposed amendment, and provide public comment on it, are listed below, under the heading “Key Dates.” Please note that there are two such opportunities in the current month (July 16 and July 18).  

For more info see "Studies in Progress" at this webpage:  Zoning Committee Study

Key Dates, July to October 2024 

Dates listed represent targets and may be subject to change. 

§  July 12: Posting of Zoning Committee memorandum and draft amendment text on Zoning Studies webpage 

§  July 16, 7 pm: Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission (ZOCO) meeting  

§  July 18, 12 pm: Lunch & Learn (virtual information session) (will be recorded, with video link posted on the County website) 

§  Mid-July to early August (exact dates TBD): Online feedback form  

§  September 5: Housing Commission briefing  

§  September 11: Tenant Landlord Commission briefing  

§  September 14: County Board Request to Advertise   

§  October 7/9: Planning Commission final consideration and recommendation  

§  October 19: County Board final consideration and action 

The public can participate by completing the online feedback form and sharing live verbal testimony at, or written comments in advance of, committee, commission, and County Board hearings. 


Arlington Art Truck

Did you know that Arlington has a mobile Art truck? It visits different locations throughout the County bringing art projects for people of all ages to engage in!

To learn more go to their website: Arlington Art Truck 

They are also looking for volunteers to help with these creative events if you are interested send an email to:

Sycamore St. Improvement Project (Complete Streets)

A project design for multi-modal safety improvements on Sycamore Street near the Metro Station is now complete.

Details can be seen at the links below:

View Concept Design

Concept Plan Summary

Learn More Here



Invasive Plant Removal Volunteers needed for Brandymore Castle

A note from Jennifer Soles, Arlington County Parks Department

Dear Brandymore Castle, Madison Manor Park Neighbors,

Please pass this information on to your neighborhood, thanks! 

For the last few years, Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation has been managing invasive plants in some areas of Madison Manor Park.  This work is part of a larger effort by Arlington County. Removing invasive plants allows our native trees and plants to grow, providing better habitat for wildlife, and protects high quality natural areas.

In the next few weeks, we will be working at Brandymore Castle to treat evergreen invasive plants such as English ivy.  The contractors will use an EPA-approved herbicide that is formulated for use near water in natural areas.  As always, when we work in the area, signage will be placed in areas treated with herbicides and it is recommended that park users avoid these areas until after the material has dried and the signs are removed.  A harmless blue dye is added to the mix to mark the plants where it has been applied. These areas will recover naturally and through planting of additional native trees and shrubs over the next several years. 

Thanks to all the volunteer service over the years at this location, the contractors will be able to use less herbicide and spend less time in the park, saving taxpayer dollars, as well as needing to use less . If you are interested in helping improve habitat here, visit to learn about upcoming workdays on the last Wednesdays and first Sundays of every month.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this project.  If you have any questions, please email me, Jennifer Soles, Natural Resources Specialist, at  

Crossman Run Stormwater Improvements

Arlington County is planning to improve stormwater resilience in the Crossman Run watershed which lies in our Civic Association area.  For details go to:

Crossman Run Flood Resilience Plan

Helicopter Noise Complaint Links

Are the Choppers bugging you too? Here's where you can learn more and get you two cents in!

Plan Langston Blvd. and East Falls Church

The AEFCCA area was not included in Plan Langston Boulevard (approved by the County Board on November 11,2023) as it has a relatively recent redevelopment plan: The East Falls Church Area Plan (look under the Planning tab).   The County Board also committed to take action in the short term to bring WMATA (Metro) and VDOT together to discuss their interest in development of the Park and Ride site which they jointly own.  Only after confirming such interest, a review of the East Falls Church Area Plan could then take place, but is not likely to occur for several years.  The County's stated purpose of such a review is to "align" the goals and recommendations of the East Falls Church Area Plan with those of Plan Langston.   This should be a straightforward task as the goals of both Plans are largely the same: transit-oriented development that promotes economic vitality and environmental sustainability, that diversifies the housing stock available for families of diverse economic means, that creates a sense of place, and that promotes streetscapes that are safe for all.

For more info and to sign up for the Plan Langston Newsletter see:

Langston Blvd Plan

Arlington Neighborhoods Program Proposal for Stewart Park Playground

Area residents and users of the Stewart Park Playground were seeking funding under the Arlington Neighborhoods Program (ANP) to replace the aging playground equipment and facilities.  The project was presented to and given priority by the AEFCCA Executive Board  and is now formally in the ANP queue.  It will be two years, however, before design can begin.  In the meanwhile, other sources of capital funding can be pursued by interested neighbors.